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Search Results for: Low GDD Ultrafast Mirrors (132)

Ultrafast Dispersion

The short pulse durations of ultrafast lasers lead to broad wavelength bandwidths, making ultrafast systems especially susceptible to dispersion and pulse broadening.

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Basics of Ultrafast Lasers

Master the fundamentals of ultrafast lasers and how to choose optics that can withstand their high powers and short pulse durations.

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Highly-Dispersive Mirrors

Ultrafast highly-dispersive mirrors are critical for pulse compression and dispersion compensation in ultrafast laser applications, improving system performance.

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LIDT for Ultrafast Lasers

The short pulse durations of ultrafast lasers make them interact with optical components differently, impacting the optic’s laser damage threshold.

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Ultrafast Lasers – The Basic Principles of Ultrafast Coherence

Advances in laser technology have made it possible to produce pulses ranging from a few femtoseconds to tens of attoseconds. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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Multiphoton Microscopy

Multiphoton microscopy is ideal for capturing high-resolution 3D images with reduced photobleaching and phototoxicity compared to confocal microscopy.

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Group Delay Dispersion and White Light Interferometry

Understanding group delay dispersion (GDD) is critical for knowing how ultrafast laser pulses will be stretched or compressed.

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Roughness of Diamond Turned Off-Axis Parabolic Mirrors

Learn about spatial frequency errors and surface roughness of Single Point Diamond Turned off-axis parabolic mirrors at Edmund Optics.

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Introduction to Adaptive Optics and Deformable Mirrors

Have a question about adaptive optics or deformable mirrors? Learn more on understanding wavefronts, adaptive optics theory, and more at Edmund Optics.

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Handling and Storing High Power Laser Mirrors

Check out these best practices for handling and storing high power laser mirrors to decrease the risk of damage and increase lifetimes at Edmund Optics.

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Metrology for Laser Optics

Metrology is critical for ensuring that optical components consistently meet their desired specifications, especially in laser applications.

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Off-Axis Parabolic Mirror Selection Guide

The Off-Axis Parabolic Mirror Selection (OAP) Guide refines your search for an OAP mirror from Edmund Optics.

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Metallic Mirror Coatings

Want to learn more about metallic mirror coatings? Find information about standard and custom metallic mirror coatings that are available at Edmund Optics.

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An Introduction to Optical Coatings

Optical coatings are used to influence the transmission, reflection, or polarization properties of an optical component.

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Fundamentals of Lasers

Lasers can be used for a variety of applications. Learn how lasers work, different elements, and the differences between laser types at Edmund Optics.

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Understanding Surface Roughness

Surface roughness describes how a shape deviates from its ideal form. This is critical for controlling light scatter in laser devices and other optical systems.

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Key Parameters of a Laser System

Learn the key parameters that must be considered to ensure you laser application is successful. Common terminology will be established for these parameters.

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All About Diffraction Gratings

Learn about how diffraction gratings separate incident light into separate beam paths, different types of gratings, and how to choose the best grating for you.

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Polarizer Selection Guide

Edmund Optics' Polarizer Selection Guide refines your search for a specific type of polarizer.

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Highly Reflective Coatings

Highly reflective (HR) coatings are applied to optical components to minimize losses when reflecting lasers and other light sources.

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Optical Filters

Do you want to learn about optical filters? Find terminology, fabrication techniques, a selection guide, and application examples at Edmund Optics.

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A Guide to (Not Over) Specifying Losses in Laser Optics

Overspecifying optical losses in laser systems will not further improve your performance or reliability, but it could cost you additional money and/or time.

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Introduction to Reflective Objectives

Reflective objectives use mirrors to focus light or form an image. Learn more about the different types and benefits of reflective objectives at Edmund Optics.

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Importance of Beam Diameter on Laser Damage Threshold

The diameter of a laser highly affects an optic’s laser induced damage (LIDT) as beam diameter directly impacts the probability of laser damage.

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Optical Coherence Tomography

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a noninvasive, high-resolution optical imaging technology that creates cross-sectional images from interference signals

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The Correct Material for Infrared (IR) Applications

Using an Infrared Application? Discover the importance of choosing the right material and comparisons of each at Edmund Optics.

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Cleaning Optics

Looking for the best way to clean optics? Learn more about the different cleaning products and methods, along with tips to handle optics at Edmund Optics.

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Laser Beam Shaping Overview

Learn how to navigate the many available options for shaping the irradiance profile and phase of laser beams to maximize your laser system's performance.

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UV vs. IR Grade Fused Silica

UV grade fused silica is ideal for UV and visible applications, but IR grade fused silica has better transmission in the IR due to a lack of OH- impurities.

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Optical Flats

Want to know more about optical flats? Find information including an explanation, what optical flats show, applications, and more at Edmund Optics.

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